Sunday, November 24, 2013

Put the Courgette, Capsaicin and Aubergine In the Trundler!

Terra returning the trundler
Gidday Mate! So far life in New Zealand has been going really well for Terra and I. We have been in the hostel for just over a week and are starting to adjust to life here. Even though there are many similarities between here and the states there are some things including language that are very different.

I have to say being at the front desk gives me a chance to learn multiple new words a day. So far some of my favorites include-

Rubbish- Trash. "Do you have a rubbish bin?"
Strumpet- Referring to a loose women/girl
Courgette- Zucchini
Aubergine- Eggplant
Capsaicin- Bell Peppers
#- Hash sign not pound.  That one was interesting for me since I answer phones.  You know the pound sign on the phone? The number key. Silly Americans.
Flat White- Latte without foam
Long Black- Americano

Loads of rubbish

Dinner and a movie with Liz and Ginnie
Liz is one of our friends from England and her favorite word is WANKER, referring to a total jerk. I guess even the Brits have old habits that die hard.
Liz also informs me that crossing guards are referred to as LOLLY POP MEN. She tells me this is because they hold the poles and are mostly in schools.

My favorite one so far though is what they call the shopping carts. TRUNDLERS. I can't truly express the hilarity when Terra and I saw this. Needless to say we took a picture or two and laughed like crazy. I know on the south they use the term "buggies", but this was a whole new level. The trundlers move like a dream, all nice and smooth. Better then anything I ever pushed in the states with their wobbly, half fallen off wheels and the tendency to force you in one direction.

Terra's sister Ginnie

Terra Hope:
Liz and I were making beds and as she tucked in the bed sheet opposite of me I heard her exclaim she smelled weed in a room one time and it was horrible. I replied, "oh really? I like the smell of weed." She looked at me like I was insane and said, "WEE!? You like the smell of wee??" We both started laughing hysterically when we both realized our misunderstanding. Yes Liz, I love the smell of a good wee in the bedroom. :-)

Both Sarah and I have had difficulty with other accents as well. Kristof from Germany told me he was interested in sports but for the life of me I didn't have a clue what he was trying to say. He repeated the word over and over again looking at me like I should know the word until it finally clicked somewhere in my brain. Sarah had a similar incident with folks from Ireland. She says the Irish have the thickets accents.
Where are you from?
Where? Huh?
OOOOOOOHH..... Ireland! Haha

Sarah: A few days ago we celebrated Terra's 29th birthday with a big American Thanksgiving dinner. Even though I am partial to my own moms cooking (she knows what I like). This was a great treat and a great day thanks to Terra's family.

Happy Birthday Terra!!! And as the locals say "cheers mate"!

Terra's cute little pumpkin pie

Terra with sister Ginnie and step-mum Ichu

Sisters in jail

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